- Heating (wall-mounted boilers)
- Air conditioning systems
- Boiler systems (steam)
- Industrial applications
- Water treatment

- Heating (wall-mounted boilers)
- Air conditioning systems
- Boiler systems (ironing, coffee, carpet cleaners, gardening, etc.)
- Industrial applications
- Water treatment

Magnetic equipment separated from the electrical one, the latter can be replaced without removing the component from its installation.

Magnetic equipment separated from the electrical one, the latter can be replaced without removing the component from its installation.

Consisting of a Hall sensor, the development of these transducers is based on the concept of stimulating a semiconductor by means of a magnet

Designed to intercept and measure the amount of fluid flowing through a pipe through the interaction of an impeller immersed in the fluid and a Hall probe

Pressure switches
Made up of a sensitive element in AISI, compatible in their use with different types of gaseous or liquid fluids

Flow switches
Designed to intercept the presence of flow through a magnetic system that acts on a reed contact
GTE Elettromeccanica

Design and production of electromechanical and electronic components for fluid control

- The company has a quality system operating in accordance with the reference standard.
- The high quality of the product is guaranteed by laboratories for functional tests, life tests and production processes.
UNI EN ISO 9001-2015